The Pool of Knowledge we draw from is Immense

Many times when I sit in Spirit with others I am asked where I get my information. For me the answer is simple I am plugged in to what I call Source, it has been given many names but in the end it is all the same. People ask if you have to be Special to be able to do...

Hello from Virginia Beach

I wanted to take the time to say hello to all the new people that Spirit has brought into my life since I have moved here, and to all who continue to be my dear clients , students and friend! I have been wishing that people here would be able to talk to All of you who...

No Limits!!

Many think that  in order to receive a good reading you have to sit in front of the medium. That is not  true and it is not needed it as Spirit know no limits. In the spirit world time and space don’t really exist , does are things that we created to help us in...

New Beginning!!

One thing I know for sure (no need to be a psychic for this one ) life never stays the same! Many of us chose to stay in a routine like life,and think and feel that there is more to life. We continue to go on day in ,day out feeling that way and than life trows us a...

Evening with Nancy Laporta and Darren Robb

This is a very Special Event  as it maybe one of the last Public events I will be doing here in Chicago as I am moving to Virginia Beach. Do not miss this Powerful Evening with too Spiritualist. Darren is the male version of me! Call me at 224-848-9065 to reserve your...

Be open to Receive!!

I know that we believe  that Spirit listens to us. We pray, we ask and then we get busy with our lives . We do not hear the answer  so we think that Spirit did not care. The Reality is we are not as open as Spirit is. So stop “Open your hart, mind and soul and...

Spirits know best

I love The simple way that Spirit gives messages. Few days ago I did a reading for 2 sister, there father while talking about the relationship with other family member said ” in life someone is the salt the other is the pepper, they are different but when they...

Life is ever changing!!

Life never stays the same. People get used to routines, and get lost and scared when life trows a curve ball. Life is like the seasons ..”.For ever changing “! So when things do not go as you planned know that it is for a short period of time as nothing...

Why do we use Titles??

Life is not as complicated as we make it!!  Did you notice how it seems that some people have all of this titles before there name, like Reverend or Doctor of ? Do you have ask why do we need titles? Does a title give us a validation and if so of what? I have been...

Just be yourself!!

In the last few weeks I have asked my self why do I  share my gift. Today my father VitoRocco Laporta who joins me many times from the other side gave me his words of wisdom. “Why not You”? he asked me, I told him that there are many out there that are...