Spring Retreat 2025
Now you can get guidance for your business from Nancy!
Utilizing the Visions received in the session, I help the business owner put all the puzzle pieces together needed for success.
Life Readings
With a clear picture of your current state and the underlying energetics, Nancy will help you uncover your most powerful way forward
A Medium acts as an intermediary to connect with your loved ones, your Archangels, and Guides in the Spirit world
Year Overview
This reading is truly a map to help you navigate the year ahead. No need to wait for the new year. This reading can take place at anytime, your birthday, mothers day , it is a gift that keeps on giving.
Gift Cards!
Now you can buy a Gift Card today and Schedule Your Appointment Later!
Choose the amount that works for you!
Email it to yourself or send it to a friend!
Let Nancy Help You Today
Psychic Medium
Reiki Master Teacher
Akashic Record Reader
Medium for Paranormal Groups
Mentor for Soul Searchers

Let Nancy Help You Today
Psychic Medium
Reiki Master Teacher
Akashic Record Reader
Medium for Paranormal Groups
Mentor for Soul Searchers

Nancy is so spiritually gifted. I am amazed at the messages I have received from my Mom through Nancy. Her guidance has …helped me through some of my toughest times. Everything she says comes true. Even a year later I’ve gone back and reviewed my notes and I’m always amazed at what she told me during a reading a year prior, coming true. She’s such a talent and a truly compassionate soul who is a gift to know. A rare find in this world. See her. You won’t be disappointed.

Oracle Deck!
This deck was done in collaboration with Nancy Laporta’s Channeled Messages and with Photography by AAron Swanny, Elizabeth Betts, Lucia Vití (lúciavitiphotography.com), Nancy Lawrence (nancylawrencearts.com), and Graphic Design by Alex Teschel (alexteschel.com).