by Nancy Laporta | Apr 20, 2019 | Spirit inspired messages blog
It is easy to say thank you to situation and people that make out day to day pleasant , but have you ever considered giving Thanks to what/who is difficult in our lives ?? Let me explain . I had stopped writing/blogging because a person who I cared for told me that...
by Nancy Laporta | Apr 20, 2019 | Spirit messages
Spirit has a very unique way to deliver messages . I was delivering a message for a client who has gone trough a rough patch in the last few years . Her loved one reminded her that it was true that her life has been shattered like a broken window in thousands of...
by Nancy Laporta | Mar 29, 2019 | Uncategorized
In life we have options . In everyday life things appear to us in a way that we are familiar at in that moment ! Do you see life challenges as blessings or curses ? What are you grateful for today ??
by Nancy Laporta | Mar 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
I start my morning with quiet , no noise , just me a cup of coffee and the nothing . As I sat there for the last few weeks thinking of the many sessions when people have difficulties with relationships I hear ...
by Nancy Laporta | Feb 21, 2019 | Spirit messages
Today is the beginning of my 6th decade in this world ! The last few weeks I have been thinking of where my life has taken . Many have asked how I am going to...